
Avv. Massimo Pedrazzini
Via G.B. Pioda 14, Lugano (Svizzera)


Major Current Positions: 

Sterling Strategie Value Fund S.A., SICAV-RAIF, Sterling Active Fund, Luxembourg - Chairman of the Board of Directors

Fidinam Group Holding SA, Lugano, Switzerland - Chairman of the Board of Directors

ST Group Holding SA, Cayman lslands - Chairman of the Board of Directors 

ST Real Estate Holding lnc., Cayman lslands - Chairman of the Board of Directors

Studio Legale Pedrazzini Zanazza & Associati SA - Partner



1985: graduated in law at the University of Geneva in June 1985 

1989: bar exams in Lugano in May 1989 


Membership in professional Associations:

Member of the Bar Association of Canton Ticino


Others major appointments:

Association Fidinam Charity Monaco, Monaco - Chairman of the Board of Directors

Fidinam lnternational Charity Foundation, Panama - President and Treasurer of the Foundation Council

Fidinam Multi Family Offices SAM, Monaco - Chairman of the Board of Directors

Fondazione Fidinam, Lugano, Switzerland - Chairman of the Foundation Council

HC Lugano Academy, Lugano, Switzerland - Chairman of the Foundation Council

SSVL (Monaco) S.A.M. , Monaco - Member of the Board of Directors

Salus Trust, Cayman lslands - Trustee

ST Services Holding SA, Cayman lslands - Chairman of the Board of Directors


Professional activity:

1985-1993: Associate at the law firm Tettamanti Spiess & Partners

Fields of activity: litigation, corporate law, national and international company law, national and international contract law
(in particular with regard to joint ventures and M&A contracts in Switzerland and abroad).


During that period, in particular:

1986-1987: Fidinam SA, Lugano, counsel

1987-1989: Financial Group of North Atlantic (later Saurer Group Investments Ltd), representative office in Monte-Carlo, counsel

1987-1989: stage work at two law firms in New York 

1989-1993: Saurer Group Holding Inc, Arbon, head counsel 

1993-2005: Partner of the law firm Tettamanti Spiess & Associati (later Brunoni Pedrazzini Molino Mottis).

Fields of activity: contract law and Mergers & Acquisitions, corporate law, international tax law, financial law

Personal details:

Massimo Guglielmo Pedrazzini, born on 28.5.1963,  married to Daniela Pedrazzini-Vanoni, pediatrician, three sons.

